Trials of the Six

Anniversary Event — — [Central Plaza] in Divinity's Reach

On September 2nd, we celebrate our 5th Anniversary! After enjoying 5 years of fun, chaos and laughter together, we invite you for some fun challenges.
This event is all about... numbers!

Trials of the Six


Mystery Markers  Team event 1: Mystery Markers!
 Find the ones that matter...

Crack the Code  Team event 2: Crack the Code!
 Guess the code, unlock the lock...

Escape the Manor  Team event 3: Escape the Manor!
 Find the stuff you need, escape in time...

 Team event 4: Cipher out the distance!
 Translate cryptic descriptions and get your numbers...

Pop quiz  Solo-event: Pop quiz!
 Who is who and what is what in GW2...


Team event:
The team that is closest to our answer to the ultimate question will receive 250 gold to be distributed amongst its members.

Solo event:
The one who has the most answers correct or, in case of a draw, is the fastest in answering, will receive 250 gold.


Signups for this event are not necessary.
Show up on time to join (September 2nd at 20:30 CEST). If you are late you will not be able to participate in the team event!

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