The guild ranks are meant as an indication of your activity in the guild. They are based on the number of guild points you obtain. You can obtain guild points by participating in guild events such as guild missions (1 point) and chaos runs (5 points).
The leaders are the founders of the guild. This rank is reserved for Betonboor and Milady of Elements.
Captain is a special rank for members that have shown they can help lead the guild. Their purpose is to help out during guild missions, organize dungeon runs, perform administrative tasks and more. This rank is awarded individually at the discretion of the leaders.
Esteemed Member
Esteemed members have shown exceptional long term participation within the guild. Members that have achieved 200 guild points by participating in guild events are awarded this rank.
Exalted Member
Exalted members have shown long term loyalty towards the guild. Members that have achieved 50 guild points by participating in guild events are awarded this rank.
Active Member
Active members have shown continued active participation in the guild. Members that have achieved 15 guild points by participating in guild events are awarded this rank.
Members have finished their trial phase. At this rank members gain the ability to display the guild emblem and access to the guild bank.
Initiates are the new members of the guild. Every member that joins the guild receives this rank. They will stay an initiate for 1 month after which they are promoted to member.